Your Practice Tool forIT Certifications

Tired of endless courses that don't prepare you to IT certification exams? Practice smarter with real questions and instant feedback!

Study materials screenshot

Key Features

Regularly Updated Questions

No one wants to practice with outdated questions. At CertifiEasy, you will find a comprehensive, expertly curated question bank that fits to the most popular IT Certification exams, with constant reviews by IT experts.

Real-Time Analytics

Track your progress with detailed analytics and real-time feedback, helping you focus on areas that need improvement and enhance your study efficiency.

Expert-Led Explanations

Understand the rationale behind the questions: CertifiEasy provides detailed explanations written by IT experts for every question, helping you understand complex topics and improve your skills.

Comprehensive Question Bank

Start to practice right now with questions designed to mirror the actual exams of the most popular IT certifications, including the rationale behind the answers. CertifiEasy is the best choice for practicing exactly what you need to know.

Focus your efforts on the most relevant topics, and track your progress in real-time with detailed analytics.

Real-Time Performance Analytics

Track your progress as you go with our real-time analytics feature. This benefit helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses across various topics and question types, so you can plan your study strategy effectively.

Get personalized insights and recommendations based on your performance, ensuring you focus on areas of improvement.

Flexible and Accessible Anywhere

CertifiEasy is designed for maximum flexibility. Study at your own pace, whether on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device—anywhere, anytime.

Our mobile-friendly platform ensures that you can squeeze in practice sessions even on the go, with the same comprehensive features across all devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

How up-to-date is your question bank?

Our question bank is regularly updated to reflect the latest changes in the supported IT Certification Exams content and format. The questions are reviewed at least once a month.

Can I access CertifiEasy on mobile devices?

Yes, our platform is fully responsive and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

How does the real-time analytics feature work?

Our system tracks your performance across different topics and question types, providing detailed insights to help you improve.

What is included in the free trial?

During your free trial, you'll have access to 20 practice tests for your preferred exam, including real-time progress tracking, instant feedback, and mobile-friendly access. This allows you to experience the full value of CertifiEasy before committing to a subscription.

Which practice exams are offered by CertifiEasy?

We are regularly adding new IT Certifications practice exams offerings. Currently, CertifiEasy supports the following IT Certifications: PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals.

When will I be charged after the free trial?

You won't be charged during for the free trial. The subscription will begin only when you sign up for the full exam practice, resulting in a one-time charge.

Get started now!

Request right now your free trial, which includes 20 questions for any certification exam of your choice.

Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

with 200 questions free trial


  • +1000 Questions with Commentary
  • Unlimited Usage
  • Real-Time Progress Tracking
  • Mobile-Friendly Access
  • Instant Feedback
  • Regular Content Updates
  • Materials selected by our experts

Ready to easily pass your IT Certification Exam?

Our platform gives you everything you need to fully prepare and pass with confidence. Stop stressing over outdated materials and courses that you will never watch —focus on mastering the content that matters most.